My good friend, Ruben Navarrette, is a number of very impressive things: Harvard grad, published author, frequent guest on network talk shows and well known nationally syndicated columnist, just to name a few. Even with all that, I think the reason Ruben and I hit it off, is he’s also the son of a career cop. When it comes to all the law enforcement issues being bantered about these days, Ruben not only “gets it” but he knows how to help other people understand as well. A special gift. So when Ruben told me he thought I should weigh in on the current challenges facing police officers and the communities they serve, I was honored. Ruben introduced me to Rich Galant, Senior Editor at and I was invited to submit an Op-Ed piece. I took the assignment to heart and I hope that comes through. You can read the piece at
Published 1.9.2015 by Neal Griffin